Friday, August 28, 2009

Back at the Hotel

post-op day 3--swelling and bruising almost gone

out to eat

a tub full of baby...gotta love it!

We got discharged this morning and are enjoying some down time at the hotel. Riley is doing great. Eating 5-6 ounces every 3 hours during the day and Tylenol is controlling her pain. She only woke up once last night (to eat) and I'm hoping she'll repeat that tonight. She's talking (cooing) and playing and trying to get her new smile figured out. I'm amazed at how great (and how different) she looks!


Joy Howse said...

WOW, she is doing awesome. WTG Riley!! Love the tub full of baby, too cute. Hope she continues down this awesome recovery path.

Adawk said...

Glad yall are doing so good, hopefully you can rest well!!

Kelly Rogers said...

She has done great! I remember being so proud of Gavin after his surgery and you must be so proud of Riley as well. She looks so beautiful!