Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Winter Wonderland

On Friday, February 12th, we had a rarity here in south Alabama...we had snow! And lots of it! We got 4+ inches and it was beautiful. Too bad Brock was a work (he's a lineman with Alabama Power) so it made getting many pictures a difficult task. But I did get some. You'll have to excuse our pitiful winter wear. Cause you see, we're not used to this kind of thing. I had to piece it together as best as I could! And too bad I had to work Saturday, so the kids and I drove and hour north to Montgomery to spend the night with my aunt. I work in Montgomery and didn't want to have to travel the icy roads at 6 am. Sawyer had a good time, although he wasn't interested in building a snowman (actually we did build one, but he just wanted to knock it down). Poor Riley lasted about 10 minutes and then she had had enough (but loved to look out the windows at all of the snow).









the cows didn't seem to mind


Adawk said...

our winter wear wwas pretty pathetic...and totally random!! Amelia was so excited about the .5-1 inch we saw.