Thursday, January 29, 2009


Ok, so I'm pretty new to this whole blogging thing. I had my page originally set up and had links to friends. Then I found out that no one was able to comment to my blog. So I changed my settings back to the original. Now I can't figure out how to add links to my friends' blogs back in. I want a cute background, but I can't get that to work either. Any suggestions?

OK--I tried it again. I got back to a layout that showed my links, but it won't allow comments again! UGH!

Just email me...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

We are Blessed

We are blessed! How well I know that. We have Sawyer who is smart, happy, healthy. We have Riley who will be healthy, beautiful. Not everyone is as blessed as we are and I am so thankful. I ran into one of the ultrasound techs from the doctor's office at work yesterday. She was there the day I found out about Riley's cleft and comforted me. I know that's what any person would do, but not everyone lost their own child several months back as she did. Her son was born with a heart condition and died after a very hard battle. She told me that she had been thinking about me and praying for me. I told her that I appreciated it and that I'm okay--that I am just so thankful that Riley is healthy and that I know her cleft can be fixed. Then she says, "I know. I think to myself 'if only Matthew had had a cleft, he would still be here.' It's so fixable." Wow. I can only imagine what she has gone through. She lost her son. I will have my Riley. I am blessed! I do not, and will not, feel sorry for myself or for my baby. We are blessed!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


At my routine 25 week ultrasound, we found out that Riley is going to be born with a cleft lip. We went to UAB today for a targeted ultrasound with a perinatologist. Riley has a bilateral cleft lip and probable palate. We couldn't see palate definately, but all signs point to a cleft. Absolutely everything else appears to be totally healthy! We are so thankful! We will be going back to UAB next month for a multi-displinary meeting with our perinatologist and the plastic surgeon and team from Children's Hospital. I am sad for Riley that she will have to endure several surgeries during her life, but I am so grateful that she will be a healthy baby. I don't know why God chose this for her, but I do know that He does not make mistakes. She is wonderfully made and will be beautiful!

I love this picture of her feet. She has had her feet crossed like this at every ultrasound I've had. Brock says it's because she's a lady...

Friday, January 16, 2009

Allergy Testing

Sawyer was allergy tested on Wednesday. We have known since he was a little baby (almost newborn) that he is allergic to all dairy products and since he was one year old that he is allergic to cinnamon. He had a really bad bout of coughing, wheezing, runny nose, etc a couple of weeks ago that got better after a week of steriods, breathing treatments and antihistamines. Well he is allergic to dust, dust mites and dogs. Dogs!! Bless his heart, he loves dogs! I guess it is a good thing that Charlie (our shi tzu) went to live with Biggie (my mom) when we moved in our new house! Now I just have to be extra deligent about keeping dust to a minimum!

First Post

Hello. For those of you who don't know me, I'm Nola. I'm a RN in labor & delivery, wife to Brock and mother to Sawyer. Brock is a lineman and we also have a cattle farm. Sawyer is 2 1/2 and all boy! We are expecting a little girl, Riley, in April. I'm creating this blog so that my friends and family can keep up with what's going on in our lives!